Using Hedge Plant Protectant to stop PM in its tracks
Powdery mildews are highly transmissible fungi that occur throughout all temperate zones worldwide and, next to rusts, are one of the most widespread and recognizable plant diseases.The total loss of crop yield and plant growth on all crops more than likely surpass losses caused by any other single plant disease (1). Powdery Mildew is an obligate biotrophic parasite, which means it depends on a living host for survival. Obligate biotrophic parasites cause the most serious and widespread diseases of crop plants. The three major groups of biotrophic filamentous parasites are the powdery mildew and rust fungi and the downy mildews (2).
Powdery Mildew (PM) is spread through the air, by fungal spores which attach to and grow on leaf surfaces, evidenced by the tell-tale white, powdery mildew spots. After the fungus attaches to the surface, for continued survival, it must send fine, root-like threads (haustoria) into the plant tissue to obtain nutrients. PM thrives in environments with high humidity and moderate temperatures, making greenhouses a perfect breeding ground. The disease spreads quickly and causes a number of complications such as photosynthesis reduction, yield loss, respiration inhibition, leaf damage and loss and poor growth.
PM is thought to have first been described as early as 600 BC [on roses] and is still a devastating problem today.Truly effective solutions are typically toxic, and eco-responsible options simply don’t get the job done.Growers constantly find themselves weighing the need to quickly and completely kill the fungus without harming the plants against exposing plants and workers to poisons. Many fungicides have thresholds limiting the amount of each pesticide that can be safely used in a season, which forces growers to juggle and rotate multiple products in hopes of reducing the constant pest pressure.
Hedge Defense Plant Protectant is a new and profoundly different fungistatic product that is turning heads in the agricultural market.Not only is Plant Protectant gentle and extremely eco-friendly, but it packs a major punch against powdery mildew.Able to wholly reverse active fungal infections in as little as ten days, and effectively guard against new infections, Plant Protectant is positioned to help growers finally win the battle against this stubborn and notorious disease.
What is it?
Plant protectant is an OMRI listed, ready-to-use sprayable liquid for use against fungal diseases and small nuisance insects. It carries a mild, pleasant rosemary odor and is considered a "Minimum Risk Pesticide" by the EPA. Plant Protectant produces a botanically infused protective barrier on plants when dry.
How does it work?
Plant Protectant is manufactured through a proprietary process, which enhances the product's bonding ability. It is applied to clean (free of barrier products and/or oils) dry plants as a fine mist spray. As Plant Protectant dries, it oxidizes to form an oxygen-rich protective encasement that shields the plant from airborne fungal spores. The dried micro-thin substrate, irregular and organic in formation, physically bonds to all plant surfaces and changes how fungi interact with the plant. The protective barrier deploys a physical mode of action to:
Interfere with fungal adhesion, preventing spores from establishing residency on leaf surface.
Block nutrient seeking fungal threads from accessing plant tissue
Resist fungal enzymes (employed to dissolve plants' natural barrier)
Immobilize already-established fungal colonies
Prevent fungal resistance (non-systemic)
The barrier does not clog pores
The barrier is virtually undetectable
and registers NO trace pesticidal residue
No use tolerance – use safely from seed through sale with no limits on food crops
No REI (re-entry interval) restrictions, workers can enter premises immediately after spraying
Material is not sensitive to light
No need to quarantine infected plants; treat plants in place without fear of spreading fungal disease
Plant Protectant, once dried, is not affected or removed by rain
Environmental conditions can be optimized based on plant preference, without fear of Powdery Mildew infestation
Plants positively respond to treatment with Plant Protectant!
Protected plants are healthier and grow better than unprotected plants
Protected plants are less susceptible to post-harvest molds & mildews
Working with Hedge Defense Plant Protectant is easy. The most important thing to consider when treating plants is proper coverage, so take your time to make sure all parts, including the underside of leaves, has been treated. Set your sprayer to the finest setting - a little product goes a long way!
Turn off all fans while spraying
Use any type of sprayer, electrostatic recommended for maximum product adhesion
Safe to spray new seedlings and cuttings
Safe to spray through harvest
Apply once weekly to all parts of plants
Thoroughly coat all surfaces of the plant, paying special attention to the undersides of leaves (this is where pests congregate!)
For plants with active infections, spray three times in one week (Days, 1, 3, 7) followed by weekly
Do not spray if precipitation is expected within 2 hours
Do not spray on top of any other barrier type product or oils
Do not dilute or mix with other products
Plant Protectant is available in sizes ranging from one to 275 gallon containers. For information on how to order, please contact us.
1.WSU Extension, Jim Cooper Master Gardener Publication Jan 10, 2002
Fungal illustration image copyright © Pearson Education, inc.