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Find answers to some of our most frequently asked questions about Hedge Defense Plant Protectant. If there are questions you have that remained unanswered, please submit a contact form.

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  • What is the application schedule?
    Hedge works best as a preventative when applied weekly. They key is to keep leaf surfaces coated while plants are growing and leaves are expanding. If you're using as a knockdown for small insects or mildews, apply on days 1, 3 and 7 and then weekly.
  • What kind of sprayer is required?
    Hedge can be sprayed through any type of sprayer. To avoid wasting material, and to get even coverage, set the sprayer for the finest mist possible. For large, tightly spaced or commercial growers, we recommend using an electrostatic sprayer. Electrostatic spraying provides the best coverage and adhesion.
  • My plants have already been treated with neem oil, can I use Hedge on top?"
    Sadly, no. Using Hedge on top of neem oil or other protective barrier products will not harm your plants in any way, but the coating will prevent Hedge Defense from coming in contact with the leaf surface, which is critical.
  • Will Hedge kill aphids?
    No. Plant Protectant keeps aphids, whiteflies and other small nuisance insects off your plants without killing them. If growing indoors, we recommend setting up physical traps (sticky or otherwise) to capture the homeless bugs. They will gravitate to untreated plants, so make sure you're treating them all!
  • Will Hedge harm beneficial insects?
    No. Plant Protectant does not kill beneficial insects. View our case study to see how ladybugs and Hedge worked well together in a commercial greenhouse setting.
  • Will Hedge alter the taste of my fruits and vegetables?
    No. Weekly treatment of Hedge Defense Plant Protectant does not affect the taste and allows for produce to qualify for the highest levels of organic certification.
  • Will Hedge cause light burn on my plants?
    No. Plant Protectant does not increase the plant's sensitivity to light, and it can be sprayed under any type of lighting, or any time of day without fear of burning or phytotoxicity.
  • My plants look darker green after treating, is this normal?"
    Yes! Studies have shown Hedge protected plants display an increased ability to process light energy, often resulting in plants looking "greener", thicker and overall more "robust"!
  • Can my plants pass a chemical lab analysis if treated weekly seed through harvest?
    Lab tests conducted on fruits, vegetables, foliage, extracts, oils, etc that have been treated weekly with Hedge Defense Plant Protectant will not register any harmful chemicals, pesticides or contaminants. HOWEVER: Hedge products will not negate the effects of other (potentially harmful) products applied. Always used 3rd party verified organic products in conjunction with Hedge products to protect plant integrity. Use caution on any other chemicals (cleaning or otherwise) used around your plants, because they can show up in post-harvest testing too!
  • Can I treat my plants with Hedge Plant Protectant in all growth stages?
    YES! Growers treat seeds prior to planting, and start spraying once per week until the day of harvest!
  • Can Hedge be used on organic plants?
    Yes! Hedge Defense Plant Protectant has been reviewed by OMRI (a third party certification program that evaluates products against NOP (National Organic Program) standards for safety in organic production). Hedge Defense's OMRI listing can be found here.
  • What is a Minimum Risk Pesticide?
    Minimum Risk Pesticides are a class of pesticides that have been determined by the EPA to pose little to no risk to human health or the environment. Because of their inheritly low-toxicity, these products are exempt from federal registration. All elements, as reflected on Hedge Defense Plant Protectant's product label comply with the criteria for Minimum Risk Pesticides.
  • What is the EPA registration number for Hedge Plant Protectant?
    Hedge Defense Plant Protectant is a Minimum Risk Pesticide, a category of products that are not required to be registered with the EPA, and therefore are not assigned an EPA registration number. Minimum Risk Pesticides are required to be registered in some states.
  • Can I treat seedlings and cuttings?
    Yes! No plant is too young for treatment. New cuttings can be immediately sprayed with Hedge Defense Plant Protectant. TIP: Be sure to let leaf surfaces dry completely before topping with humidity domes (if applicable).
  • Do I still need to feed my plants?
    Yes! Plants protected with Hedge Defense Plant Protectant often grow faster, requiring additional food and water. Watch plants for signs of nutrient or hydradtion deficiency and adjust accordingly.
  • Can other pesticides be used with Hedge?
    Other pesticides and products that do not create a barrier can be used if required. Time the use of other pesticides 1-2 days after Hedge application. If there are any oils in the other product(s), enough time is required for them to be broken down or gone before plants are retreated with Hedge again. Oils in other products can cause Hedge to bead up and interefere with leaf surface bonding. Watch for signs of such incompatibility if using additional foliar products. If growing organic or subjecting harvested plants to residue testing, make sure all products applied to plants are verified as safe for use in organic production. Never mix Hedge with any other products.
  • Can Hedge be diluted?
    No. Dilution of Hedge will render the product ineffective.
  • Can Hedge Plant Protectant be used with Hydroponics?
    Yes! Hedge can be incorporated into any growing method. If your hydroponic setup generates a lot of spray, wetting plants in areas you want to treat, you may consider temporarily shutting the system off to apply the protectant. After the product dries, start everything up as normal. Excess water spray on plants is fine after treatment has dried.
  • If I spray more frequently that once per week on a regular basis, will it harm plants?"
    No. You could spray plants every day if you wanted to, with no fear of harming plants, but it is unnecessary to do so.
  • Will Hedge kill caterpillars?
    Hedge Defense Plant Protectant is not an insect poision, and will not kill bugs. Sometimes, small insects will get trapped in the drying process and will die as a result, but Plant Protectant's efficacy is from a preventative standpoint. Additionally, Hedge works best on very small insects. As bug size increases, efficacy decreases. Additional prevention will be required if large cateripillars exhibit pest pressure on your crop. Hedge can be safely used in conjunction with Bt for this purpose. Do not mix Bt and Hedge.
  • How much product do I need to apply?
    This answer depends on the size of the plant you are growing. Electrostatic spray is recommended for the best application and for maximum efficiency. Plants must be evenly coated with a fine mist on all plant surfaces, including undersides of leaves. For bushy plants, brush plants around to allow mist to reach interior surfaces. Molds and insects tend to gravitate toward the underside of leaves, so take care to treat these areas well. Application technique will be the difference maker in your operation. As plants grow, material amounts will increase accordingly.
  • Can I use Hedge Plant Protectant under grow lights?
    Yes. Plant Protectant can be sprayed on plants under any kind of lighting. Lights do not need to be turned off when spraying.
  • Is there any difference using Hedge indoors or outdoors?
    If growing indoors, temporarily turn off any fans when spraying. Outdoors, avoid spraying at windy times if possible and do not spray when chance of rain. Plant Protectant must be able to dry completely before exposure to rain.
  • Will rain remove Plant Protectant?
    No. As long as Hedge Plant Protectant was allowed to dry completely before exposed to rain, Plant Protectant will not be removed.
  • Can Hedge Plant Protectant be used as a disinfectant?
    No. Hedge Plant Protectant is specially formulated for use on plants and is not to be used on any other surface(s). Only use EPA registered disinfectant products, safe for use in organic growing operations for the disinfection of other greenhouse or inanimate surfaces.
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